- Get plenty of exercise at least 30 minutes most days of the week. It’s super-important to keep your body in shape;
- Avoid fast food takeaways as they are fried with partially hydrogenated oils;
- Eat more fruits and vegetables – have some at every meal and include a rainbow of different colors;
- Before studying have some fun! Move your body, play with the dog, shoot some hoops with a friend! You mind will be ready then to hit the books;
- The more active you are the healthier and more energetic you become! Do some jumping jacks. Hop on your bike. Or just turn up the music in your room and dance!
- When studying for a big test, staying up to study for late hours isn’t usually a good idea, because your brain gets fuzzy when you’re tired!
- Your brain does its best work when it gets turbo fuel from good food .i.e. eat plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. They can help you think clearer, study better, and perform better on any kind of test.
Grow healthy in 2015
2: Keep screen time (TV, computer, games etc...) down to 2 hours or less per day
0: Drink 0 sugar-sweetened drinks. Replace soda pop, sport drinks or even 100% fruit juices with water and milk.
1: Get 1 hour or more of physical activity per day
5: Eat at least 5 fruit and vegetables per day